Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Word Relish!

Today is one of those craziest days when I had nothing to do and my mind started running amok. As they say 'idle mind is a devil's workshop', well mine din't turn exactly into a devil's workshop it rather became loony. I started mouthing all the words that I love pronouncing and find very relishing. This is more of a silly post (thought I would give a glimpse of my silly side) but nevertheless interesting in a way. This list includes few proper nouns as well, which I will be listing separately.

So the list goes on like this...
- Aplomb ('plomb' sounds like a pebble falling into a puddle, though the sound is best described as 'Plop')
- Aristocracy (i just love that 'kraa' sound)
- Bubble
- Butcher
- Chivalry
- Chuckle
- Cuddle
- Doodle
- Dung (this so sounds like the background music i give when something heavy falls)
- Ergonomics (the day i saw this on the poster, i went mental repeating this all the way back home)
- Fulcrum
- Gobble
- Hippogriff (sounds majestic)
- Hopscotch (it definitely sounds juicy, i love going on & on about this)
- Mongrel (sounds great with appropriate prefix and is my favourite cuss word)
- Moron (used exclusively when I get irritated)
- Mumbo Jumbo ( well this is rather a phrase than a word but well this whole post is about my word Mumbo  jumbo)
- Nincompoop
- Poppy
- Poultry
- Puncture
- Scrunchy
- Topple
- Voilà (this definitely has elements of surprise and makes me happy whenever I say that)

And now for the list of pronouns that pleases my tongue to twist in..
- Constantinople (No more in use, I feel this sounds more cool, majestic than Turkey)
- Djokovic (The hottest stud with even hotter name)
- Dumbeldore (will remain my ever favourite name & person from Harry Potter series)
- Givenchy
- Dolce & Gabbana (Italians do have some hot names) 
- Gorbachev (I have an affiliation to Russian names, I would love to include all the Russian names)
- Massachusetts
- Pochampalli (This tiny sari weaving town in AP definitely has caught my attention)
- Timbaktu (Contrary to the metaphor of some outlandish land, there does exists a trading town in Africa)
- Vladivostok (Once again Russian, doesn't need any better explanation)
- Volkswagen (It sounds Foxy, hence sexy & sophisticated)
- Wimbledon (well with tennis being my favourite sport just cannot seem to neglect this wonderful name & place) 

I could remember only so much of my favourite words.. I bet there is more to it. Hope you guys enjoyed my silly post of my obsession with words.

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